Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Harry, you don't always HAVE to be the hero!


It's Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts and everything is dull and gloomy. Lord Voldemort and his followers are back and they are causing horrible chaos just like like the last time. Even with a new minister the ministry is still covering up all traces of Voldemort being back, and they still haven't captured the escaped prisoners from Azkaban. Although all this chaotic mess, Harry, Ron, and Hermione board the Hogwarts Express and join their follow classmates. Professer Snape is unexpectedly announced as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor (to Harry's discomfort), with Slughorn becoming the Potions teacher. Throughout the movie Harry and Dumbledore are having mysterious meetings. Together they unleash horrible parts of Voldemort's past and devise a plan to stop him. This plan is very risky though and will take an unexpected turn.

My thoughts on the book:

I thought the book was very good. It does have a very sad ending that made me cry. I miss 'Snuffle' (I didn't want to ruin any of the books!) not being there. He was one of my favorite characters. This book is probably the funniest book of the series. It also seems that love is a major part of this book. There are many surprise that you would have never thought!

1 comment:

  1. You know, here's some books I recommend for you:
    Battle Royale (the novel, manga, or movie)
    a child called it
    and all the post secret books D:
