Monday, June 1, 2009

What's up with all them Greasers?

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Review: The Outsiders is a thrilling novel about the conflict between the two social groups the greasers and the socs. The main character through the book is Ponyboy Curtis. He lives with his two older brothers, Darry and Sodapop, though all of the greasers are his family. He has an unfortunate meeting with the Socs that takes a turn for the worst, leaving one dead, and two on the run. Throughout the story Ponyboy turns to see the world differently and is faced with many frightening occasions. S.E. Hinton has captured the full attention of many young adults with this novel. It is a book for the ages, and is a delight for teenagers to read.


* Ponyboy "Pony" Michael Curtis: Ponyboy is 15 and has no switchblade. He is the youngest of both the greasers and the three Curtis brothers. He describes himself as having "light brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes". He gets good grades in school, but Darry says he doesn't use his head for common sense. He enjoys watching movies, drawing pictures, and reading books more than the other greasers and his brothers. It is revealed that he is a heavy smoker even though he is only 15.

* Johnny "Johnnycake" Cade: Johnny is the "pet" of the gang and is described as a "little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers." He is a vulnerable 16-year-old in a group defined by toughness and a sense of invincibility. Several months prior to the main events of the book, he was beaten severely by several Socs whose heavy rings scarred Johnny's face. leaving him jumpier than he was afterwards. He comes from an abusive home, and hangs out with the gang because they provide him with a surrogate family structure, though he feels that even the gang can't replace the love he wants from his parents. He looks up to Dally and considers him a hero.

* Sodapop "Soda" Patrick Curtis: Sodapop is the middle brother of the Curtis family, and will be 17 a few weeks after the events in the novel. Soda dropped out of high school after the death of his parents, and works full-time as a mechanic at a DX gas station. Ponyboy describes him as "movie star handsome" and an undefeated fighter. Sodapop is carefree, with a happy-go-lucky personality. He also sticks up for Ponyboy when Darry is angry with him and is described as "the only person who can tease Darry and get away with it." Though he lacks the 'book smarts' of either of his brothers, he is the glue that keeps the three together, because he understands Darry and Ponyboy better than they sometimes understand each other and can guide both to see the other's perspective in disputes.

* Darrel "Darry" Shayne Curtis, Jr.: Darry Curtis is 20, the oldest of the three Curtis brothers. Highly intelligent and a top-class athlete, Darry gave up an athletic scholarship to act as guardian for his brothers after the tragic deaths of their parents in a car crash and he has never really recovered from his inability to go to college. But he takes his role seriously, holding two jobs to provide for Ponyboy and Sodapop. Darry sees that Ponyboy has the intelligence to move beyond the limited opportunities afforded to everyday "greasers". For this reason he is sometimes strict towards Ponyboy, burdening him with his own sacrificed dreams of success, initially much to Ponyboy's resentment.

* Dallas "Dally" Winston: Dallas Winston is 17 years old. He is tougher, meaner and colder than the other greasers, who must exercise caution around him lest he lash out at a stray remark or joke. He spent three years on the streets of New York and was first arrested and jailed at the age of 10. Dally reacts violently to others, even his friends, and avoids showing emotion as much as possible. He does have a soft spot for Johnny, and is very protective of him. Dally has a record with the police "a mile long".

* Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews: Two-Bit is 18 and a half, known for his shoplifting skills. He gained his nickname "Two-Bit" from his reputation for always having a comment about everything, always needing to "get his two bits' worth in." He believes that "if you say everything is all right, it is." He often gets drunk, and carries around his treasured black-handled switchblade to awe and intimidate - but rarely to hurt - his enemies. He has gray eyes and long rusty-colored sideburns. He takes great pleasure from day-to-day activities, although they are not always constructive.

* Steve Randle: Steve is 17, tall, lean, cocky and smart. He likes to comb his hair in thick, complicated swirls. He and Soda have been best friends since grade school. Steve's specialty is cars and he works part-time at the DX gas station with Soda. He also considers Pony a "tag-along," which Ponyboy seems to resent, but the two boys tolerate each other out of loyalty to Soda.

* Sherri "Cherry" Valance is Bob's 16-year-old girlfriend. She is a cheerleader who attends Ponyboy's school. Cherry's real name is Sherri, but people call her Cherry because of her red hair. Ponyboy and Cherry have a great deal in common, such as watching sunsets, and Ponyboy feels comfortable talking to her. Cherry is both offended and intrigued by her encounter with Dally Winston at the drive-in. Cherry admires Dally's individuality but tells Ponyboy that she could never fall in love with him, although he later learns that she fears falling in love with the older greaser.

* Marcia is Cherry's friend and Randy's girlfriend. Marcia is fairly pretty, with her short, dark hair. She is a Soc who befriends Two-Bit at the drive-in. Marcia and Two-Bit share a quirky sense of humour.

* Randy Adderson is Marcia's boyfriend and Bob's best friend. Randy is a handsome Soc. Along with Cherry, Randy humanizes the greasers by showing that some of them have redeeming qualities. Randy helps Ponyboy realize that Socs are as susceptible to pain, as anyone else is. Randy tries to make peace with Ponyboy after he discovered that fighting was useless. He is really the only "peaceful" member of either gang.

* Robert "Bob" Sheldon is a Soc. He is a handsome black-haired boy with dark eyes, and is Cherry's boyfriend plus Randy's best friend. According to Cherry, Bob is sweet and friendly when he is sober, but loses control when he is drunk. Bob's parents refuse to discipline him or set limits for his behavior. He constantly 'acts out', waiting for his parents to disapprove; when they ignore him or blame themselves, his behavior worsens.

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